Our Bling Card Boxes come in 4 different shapes:
Tiered Round Card Box ( 3- 5 tiers)
Tiered Squared Card Box ( 3-5 tiers )
Wooden Card Box
GLASS picture Card Box
OUR Bling WEDDING CARD BOXES can be made ANY COLOR base, ANY color stone, ANY flower combination , ANY name, ANY picture .
Our bling wedding card boxes are unique because we will MATCH any color combo needed to perfect your special day.
THEY are designed to be STAND OUT and INDIVIDUAL to our customers.
We will go above and beyond to ensure your day is SPECIAL and UNIQUE to you .
We will work closely with our Brides to ensure we provide OUR BEST quality product to add to your special day.
***Please keep in mind shopping for these boxes are based on SIZE.
The shipping container will have to fit the entire tiered package .